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Encouraging Heroes. You can be one too.

Counting Some Blessings

On a more uplifting note, the following cute boy stories happened this week. 1. After the whole “drink your milk” argument yesterday I was giving the Captain hugs and kisses. When I thought he’d been sufficiently loved and affected I suggested that I...

The Intellectual Stylings of 5 Year Olds

Internets, I bring you: The Dried Snot Conversation. Captain Earthquake: See that? That’s dried snot on my nose. The Manager: Where? Oh, that? Yes, that’s dried snot. CE: When I have dried snot on my nose, I use my finger and pick it off. TM: Me too. But...

Overheard: March 20, 2008

The Manager(age 5) was apparently waiting for his brothers to do something for him. I couldn’t see what was going on, but this is what I heard him say. “I’m waiting. I’m WAITing! I’m WAITINNNNNNG! Come onnnn!” [long pause]...

A Good Reason to Keep Kids in the Backseat

When you let them ride in the front, they spend the ENTIRE trip pointing out-and analyzing-roadkill. And no, I’m not gonna put up a picture on this post. You’re welcome. Earnest Parenting: help for parents who don’t like...

Culture Shock

A member of my homeschooling group put out an invitation for a field trip to a ballet performance of Don Quixote at the end of the month. I’ve never taken the boys to a play or ballet because I didn’t believe they’d sit and enjoy it. But this sounded...