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Do Your Kids Grow In Spurts?

TechnoBoy and The Mercenary came home from camp yesterday (this is the 3rd year they’ve gone) and I’m convinced they aged a year in the 6 days they were gone. Even though they were incredibly tired after a week of shenanigans at camp, they were very kind...

Summer Plans: What Are Yours?

Yeah, okay. I’ll admit it. Having fun with the boys is not always a strength of mine. I’d rather write or sew or work in the garden. Or finish whatever tasks are in front of me. Although I’m noticing that that list of tasks never ends. So. I am...

Thinking Spring

Ahhhhh, March is finally here! As I write this, the sun is shining and the sky is BLUE! Blue, I tell you! We’ve had so many gray and gloomy days. February is for me the most difficult month of the year. I’ve heard other comments about March being the worst because of...

3 Things I’ve Noticed About Twins

I haven’t written much about the realities of being a mother of twins.  Perhaps because so many others have already had much to say on the subject.  If you’re the parent of multiples, people tend to say very similar things when they find out.  Many are...