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Encouraging Heroes. You can be one too.

Snippets – March 6, 2008

The Mercenary: Mom, where was that place we went…the one where we saw the beavers working and we were petting the sting rays? Me: Well, that was two different places honey. The beavers were at the museum in Virginia, and the sting rays were more local. TM:...

Blog Business 2-25-08…And A Funny Story

Hulloooo Internets! Have you been wondering where I was? Not to worry, I’m here working hard behind the scenes. Want to know a secret? There are some exciting things on the horizon for Earnest Parenting. I’m working on a new blog design! It’ll be a...

Things That Made Me Smile Today

All the boys playing together nicely: today’s big event was dumping a huge barrel of plastic balls down the stairs and laughing at the thunderous noise. Naomi’s post on a certain reality of life as a pregnant mom (sorry, post no longer is published). The...

Just When You’re About to Auction Off the Children…

After a looooong day that included drama, tears, grumpiness, a smashed cabinet and dented wall I was ready for boys to go to bed.  Hubby handled most of the bedtime routine while I was painting downstairs.  I got called up for prayer time, hugged the boys goodnight,...

Living Up to the Nickname

I’m not really strongly invested in the boys learning to write with perfect penmanship.  Between keyboarding and advances in voice recognition software, I figure that actual writing will be a pretty small percentage of their day by the time they’re...