I Miss the Happy Sighs
When the boys were super tiny, they did something that I believe all infants do. If all needs were met...if they were completely content... they would sigh. Hubby and I always thought that was the most wonderful sound! It was a clear message that we were doing the...
So. Here I am Again.
It has (again) been a super long time since I wrote anything here. As I mentioned some time ago, there was an issue with Google and it really sucked the wind out of my publishing sails, as it were. I literally had to go through every one of the thousands of articles...
Let Me Tell You How I Handle Candy at Easter
So, Easter was just a few days ago. Did the boys get much in the way of Easter candy on Sunday? Nope. I didn't give them a thing. Grandma gave them each a chocolate cross on Saturday, but that was it. The great thing is, they didn't complain at all! That happens...
How do You Teach Kids to be Deliberate?
Sooooo, I got up early this morning, as is my practice these days. (I have to tutor kids earrrrrrrly every morning). And as usual, the light above the stove was on. Again. I have TOLD the boys over and over and OVER that I want all lights turned off every night. I...
Prepare Your Pets for Disaster
This just in from Olivia, my buddy at the ASPCA. September happens to be National Preparedness Month and it couldn’t be timelier. We at the ASPCA have teamed up with meteorologist Ginger Zee to ask that pet owners in all parts of the country prepare for their pets in...
Looking for Laundry in All the Wrong Places
So. A certain boy has apparently decided to be the death of me. As a member of the soccer team, he was provided with blue shorts and socks, a blue jersey, and a white jersey. The blue jersey was worn one Sunday evening to conduct a soccer team fundraiser. By Wednesday...
I’ve Been Teaching Again!
Heroes, I've been doing something really neat for the last several months: teaching again! Specifically, I'm working for a company called VIPKID. I teach Chinese children how to speak English. Do I speak Chinese myself? Nope. Not yet. I'm going to start learning...
Underachievement Can Be SO Frustrating
So. I haven't written here in...years. This is because of 2 reasons. One is administrative. Google didn't like the way I had links structured and they de-listed the blog until I fixed it. Going through a thousand posts and fixing links? Not really fun. It took a good...
Monday Giveaway Linky – Back After an Extended Absence Edition
Sooooooo. Haven't done the linky in....way too long. I apologize. Seems like things this summer just got too busy. I've had many articles in my head, things I wanted to share with you. But life got in the way, and I just haven't been able to be at my keyboard the way...
Monday Giveaway Linky – Exhausted but Done Edition
Good Monday, Heroes! I'm pleased to report that we survived graduation season. The boys had their open house yesterday. If you live in a region that does not have open houses, I will explain. Basically it's a party for the graduate. The parents clean and prepare and...