Hubby and I discovered something over the past two days. It turns out that keeping children around while you’re doing projects that require skill and concentration can be helpful.
If you didn’t, who would you have to blame for distracting you?
I know, I know! It’s crazy, but completely true. Say for example that you need to go to the church to do some building projects. With your children along, fighting and chattering, demanding you make paper airplanes and listen to the latest story, “helping” and just generally being underfoot then you’d be fine.
Without them, you might find yourself doing things like:
- making 2 trips to the church with all your supplies for the project, only to realize that the set of drill bits and screw gun tips (that you discussed needing! twice!!) is still sitting by the door at home.
- unplugging the saw you don’t need then plugging it right back in, thus puzzling yourself completely when the saw you want to use won’t turn on.
I could go on, but it’s too painful. Just sayin’. Keep your kids close. You never know when you’ll need someone to blame.
What are we going to do when they all go off to college???
Earnest Parenting: help for parents who like having their children around.
Image courtesy of (nutmeg) via Creative Commons license, some rights reserved.
You are so right. Unfortunately what should we do when we want to keep our kids close , but they dont want to keep us close to themselves ah
LOL. Your examples sound like it happened to you guys personally.
Hey don’t worry, they’d still go home for the holidays. 😀
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Sometimes i get irritated to kids that
keeps on asking me to do something that
is useless. But that’s a part of being a mother…
Lets Just enjoy…
Whatever the kids do it based on our love. So enjoy it..
That is a funny post. I need to show it to my husband.
Cool funny post guy..:) Keep enjoy with the kids ..
Jay, I don’t have a good answer for that very excellent question. Bribery, perhaps?
UPrinting, us? Personally??? [batting eyes innocently] Why, whatever do you mean? All that happened to, uhhhhh, a friend of mine. Yea, that’s it. A close friend.
Casandra you’re right. It’s hard to be patient though, isn’t it?
Rod pusher, I’ll try to enjoy. Most of the time I do. 🙂
lucy, thanks.
You too, Solar signs. Thanks for stopping by.
Very cute post, kids are lovely 🙂
Nice post! Agree with all of these, big-time!
This is very useful indeed. You are so right, but lets just enjoy…