UPDATE: Due to Hurricane Sandy, the live event has been delayed and will be run in early 2013, hopefully. I’ll let you know what I know when I know it.
I got a note from Olivia at the ASPCA, and it turns out that October is officially Adopt A Shelter Dog Month.
According to Olivia, an estimated 72 million households own pets but despite our love for animals, only 20% of those looking for pets end up adopting from a shelter, resulting in the euthanasia of many unwanted animals. The ASPCA is spreading the message that adoptable dogs would make a magnificent addition to any family!
The ASPCA is excited to announce Adopt A Shelter Dog Month live stream event, which will take place on October 30th at 7pm EST.
The live stream will feature an adorable adoptable dogs Halloween costume contest. Families are encouraged to tune in and vote for their favorite. Additionally, ASPCA experts on pet behavior and health will answer viewer questions and offer tips on bringing dogs into the family, how to introduce new pets to children, and Halloween safety tips. There will also be Twitter giveaways throughout the hour, which will include fun ASPCA prize packs that include the popular children’s book Martha Speaks.
Please join the conversation at ustream.tv/aspca on Tuesday, October 30 at 7pm ET.
Earnest Parenting: help for parents who want to help shelter dogs.
Thank you so much for posting this article about adopting shelter dogs. I have two and they couldn’t be more happy that they now have a loving home. Next to kids, animals are my biggest soft spot. One thing everyone can do that costs nothing is drop off old linens of any kind and old newspapers. The shelters use both to line the cages for the animal and give them something a little warm and comfy to sleep on.
Again thanks for getting the word out.
Karen, I’m pretty fond of dogs too! Our two have brought me far more joy than I ever would have predicted. Plus I can talk baby talk to them. The boys won’t let me do that anymore.