I just entered the giveaway for a set of autographed children’s books and a $50 giveaway through PayPal. This is part of a book tour that is going on until 10/28. If any of you childrens/family/family friendly bloggers would like to host a stop, it’s free for bloggers! All you have to do is sign up and I’ll email over the book/giveaway information for the date you pick to host a tour stop:-) The author is also offering free review copies to bloggers willing to review. Your blog gets added to the official tour schedule, you get new website traffic, and a free book to review if you’d like. Bloggers can also enter into our bloggers only giveaway if you host a stop! To get the tour info and sign up, please visit:
I just entered the giveaway for a set of autographed children’s books and a $50 giveaway through PayPal. This is part of a book tour that is going on until 10/28. If any of you childrens/family/family friendly bloggers would like to host a stop, it’s free for bloggers! All you have to do is sign up and I’ll email over the book/giveaway information for the date you pick to host a tour stop:-) The author is also offering free review copies to bloggers willing to review. Your blog gets added to the official tour schedule, you get new website traffic, and a free book to review if you’d like. Bloggers can also enter into our bloggers only giveaway if you host a stop! To get the tour info and sign up, please visit: