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Parenting via Annoyance

I love my boys. Really! I do. But sheesh there are days they drive me nuts. The big issue of late is picking things up. In my fantasy world, they put toys and books and gum wrappers away as soon as they’re done. That? Major fantasy. So yesterday I tried out a...

Calm in the Storm

I’ve been feeling weighted down quite a bit lately, Internets. I’ve all sorts of things to tell you and thoughts to share, but I look at the latest headlines and get distracted and start reading and then I get a bit stressed. Anyone else feeling that way?...

Camping Boys Leave Mother at Home

Hubby and the older boys went on their first non-official Scout camping trip this morning. I have to admit, I miss them already. I didn’t expect to feel that way, but here I am with only half the family in the house and I’m wishing we were all together....

We Have A Winner!!! UPDATED

Aaaaaaannnnd, the winner of the SOBCon09 Coupon is…… [drumroll please] Tnomeralc Web Design Toys. Congratulations. Please e-mail me at amyl [at] earnestparenting [dot] com and I’ll get the contact information from you. UPDATE: Our first winner was...

Blog Business 4-15-09

Loads of things to tell you, Internets! Here goes with a somewhat random list of slightly pertinent information. I’m pleased to announce that this blog is included on Alltop! If you’ve not seen the site before, it’s a place where top blogs (and mine)...