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Building a Better Student: Intellectual Arrogance

I never thought I’d write an article like this. After working with students for more than twenty years to help them embrace the idea that Smart is Cool, I have to call out some students who have abused the notion. This might sting a little. We know that many bright...

Building a Better Student: Stumped

I co-host a morning radio show in Denver, and one of the most popular elements on the program is a feature called The Mindbender. It’s not trivia – which is something you either know or don’t – but rather a game that allows you to puzzle out the answer to...

Building a Better Student: Empathy

Have you ever watched a child struggle with a homework assignment or a school project? They sit at the table and grimace, one hand supporting their head while the other flips through a lesson that they don’t understand. Sometimes you get exasperated, and you want to...